Thursday, January 22, 2009

"As We Thinketh" - ARE WE OUR THOUGHTS??

I will start distributing the free ebook soon.I am waiting for few more mails or comments. For those new to this site, please read the previous post.

Today I will present you with a Video first and than a very interesting and thought provoking read.

I am having a great time reading some very interesting books from the 1st half of the last Century. That was the time few writers were discussing the Law of Attraction more openly.

From "As A Man Thinketh" by James Allen

The aphorism, “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he,” not only embraces the whole of a man’s being, but is so comprehensive as to reach out to every condition and circumstance of his life. A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.

It is a common idea that we are our thoughts. That is, what we do, how we behave, & what is produced in our world, is what we think about. This is the major premise behind the 'Law of Attraction,' and the recent movie-book, "The Secret." However, this idea can be traced to the Bible, and even to ancient times!

But, is this accurate? Are we what we think about? If so, where do the thoughts come from?
Can our brains think for themselves? Or do thoughts arise from an ephemeral, invisible source, that is frequently called "inspiration"- Spirit - Soul - Consciousness - God?

Or are we not our thoughts? Given that we can point to, and describe our thoughts, doesn't that suggest that we are not just our thoughts? We must be more than our thoughts if we can recognize them, point them out, discuss them with ourselves and others! If so, what is the entity that can identify our thoughts, as well as be our thoughts?

That must be us! But who are we? What are we? AND, WHO WANTS TO KNOW????

"I" think if we find out who wants to know, we will find out who we are!

What do "you" think? Leave a comment!

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